Palo Santo & Sage Cleansing Spray
Crafted with water charged under the full moon and infused with the energy of clear quartz.​
How to use Cleansing Spray
Self Cleansing:
Begin by invoking the spirit with a prayer or mantra of your choice.
Request that your aura be cleansed of lower vibrations.
Spray the cleansing spray around your aura.
Repeat as needed or incorporate it into your daily routine before leaving home.
Home & Space Clearing:
Invoke the spirit with a prayer or mantra.
Ask your guides to help remove low vibrational energy from your home and fill it with love and abundance.
Starting at the front door, walk clockwise while spraying the smudge spray in the air.
Enhance the process with the power of sound by reciting a mantra, chant, or prayer as you spray. Consider playing Gregorian chants or soothing music.
Once the entire house has been sprayed, conclude with a final prayer, expressing gratitude for the blessing and cleansing of your home.
Example Mantra: "Only love and light may enter my space; all lower vibrational and negative energies must leave this space now."
Express thanks to your Spirit Team for their assistance and guidance during the cleansing process. Keep the mantra concise and clear, making it easier to remember.
Remember, there's no right or wrong way to perform these rituals. Follow your intuition and intentions, drawing inspiration from the provided example if it resonates with you.